Taquiza. (Members only)
Date: Saturday 26th March, 12 noon.
Venue: TBA (It may be Piney Lakes, but we are exploring alternatives)
Format: Bring a Mexican dish to share with others. Bring your own drinks. People who got "baby Jesus" at the rosca de reyes will need to impress with their dishes and pay for tortillas.
Please send an email to Maguis (brujamaguis@hotmail.com) indicating what dish you are planning to bring. She will control that no dishes are repeated.
If you can't cook, then you may contribute $10 per person to help paying the venue fee.
Hiking on the hills. (Members only)
Date: Sunday 17th April. Meet at 10 to start walking around 10:30 am, weather permitting.
Venue: Sixty-Foot Falls Walk. Ellis Brook Valley Reserve. 25 Km South of Perth. Access from Rushton Road.
Format: 2 Km hike with picnic afterwards. Bring your food and drinks.
Please send an email to Gigi (gigiaustralia@optusnet.com.au) indicating your interest in participating.
That's it for the moment.
Any comments or suggestions welcome.